Diversification of Marriage Rules in an Aged Society
英文关键词:aged society; marriage; registered couple; reciprocal witness (or notarization)
Sex, love, cohabitation and reproduction are the basic elements of marriage and the keys to finding the meaning of marriage, around which human societies have all made a whole set of marriage rules. However, in the marriage of the elderly, the connotations of the elements of marriage have changed significantly, and the traditional marriage rules that only target the marriage form of the younger group have encountered great challenges. In a traditional society, low life expectancy, coupled with the stringent ethics of marriage, contributed to the strong stability of marriage. In such a context, it is sufficient for marriage rules to be mainly followed by the younger generations. However, in a modern aged society, in which traditional marriage ethics is on the verge of disintegration, marriage rules need to be examined from the perspective of all ages. Hence, according to the demands of the elderly, the supplementation and construction of registered couple and reciprocal witness (or notarization) mechanisms owns a realistic foundation, and the formation of diversified rules consisting of reciprocal witness (or notarization), registered couple, and marriage in a narrow sense, aiming at appropriately balancing the stakeholders’ interests and rights, are worthy of attention and discussion.
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