The Two-layered Dual Structure of Rural Justice in Contemporary China
英文关键词:rural justice;two-layered dual structure;governance;formal legality
In a broad sense, the rural justice consists of grassroots judges’ judicature and village cadres’quasi-justice. There are two main theoretical approaches on the rural justice in current literatures, one is the governance theory, and the other is the theory of formal legality. They are both biased because of their biased empirical basis. The governance theory is hard to face the radical changes taking place in current rural society. The theory of formal legality lacks of comprehensive understanding of the great rural social changes, and ignores the structural constraints of the rural social changes. To construct the rural justice theory, we should mainly focus on the common agricultural rural areas, where trade and industry are under-developed, and pay attention to other types of rural areas as well.Before constructing the rural justice theory, we should understand the patterns and actual state of rural justice. At present, rural justice shows a dual structure of two-layered. It has two levels, that is, the dual structure in micro-level existing in the grassroots judges’ judicature, and the dual structure in macro-level composed of the grassroots judges’ judicature and village cadres’quasi-justice. There are two patterns in the grassroots judges’ judicature, one is the formal legality, and the other is governance. And village cadres’quasi-justice shows the governance pattern.There is a gap between the “is to be” aspect of the actual state of rural justice and the “ought to be” aspect of the rural justice theory. Taking rural social changes and their structural constraints into account, the pattern of two-layered dual structure sounds reasonable. It is able to echo the judicial needs of rural communities, respond to the extension and non-legality of village disputes, and adapt to the economic basis of rural China. A two-layered dual structure theory of rural justice should be the main rural justice theory in new era. For a long time following, the rural justice should hold a balance between governance and formal legality.
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