Trilogy of State Ownership of Natural Resources
英文关键词:natural resources;state ownership;constitution law;private law;public trust
宪法上规定的自然资源国家所有权不是专属于公法的所有权概念。它包含三层结构:第一层结构是私法权能。在这一层面上,它与物权法上的所有权无异。第二层结构是公法权能。其主要包括国家对于自然资源的立法权、管理权和收益分配权。第三层结构是宪法义务。国家应当为全体人民的利益行使其私法权能和公法权能。公共信托理论是描述国家作为自然资源所有人的宪法义务的法律理论,应当引入中国,或者对中国宪法第9条作公共信托理论式的解释,确立国家与人民在自然资源国家所有权结构中的地位。在中国的现实中,自然资源国家所有权最为薄弱的层面是其宪法义务。 “自然资源人民基金”的模式和尝试对中国有借鉴意义。宪法规定的自然资源所有权具有“不完全规范”的特质,直接转化为物权法上的物权存在困难。在目前宪法控制制度尚不健全的情况下,民法解释学可以发挥控制自然资源国家所有权肆意扩张和扭曲的准宪法功能。
State Ownership of Natural Resources stipulated under Chinese Constitution is not a concept of ownership exclusively belonging to the public law. Its content consists of three levels. The first level is the private right as same as the ownership defined under the Real Rights Law. The second level is the public powers to be exercised on the matter of natural resources, including the power of legislation, the power of administrative management, and the power of distribution. The third level is the constitutional duty which requires the State to use his private right and public powers on the behalf of the whole people. The Public Trust Doctrine, a perfect statement of the constitutional duty of the State as the owner of natural resources, ought to be introduced into China, or Article 9 of Chinese Constitution ought to be interpreted under the Public Trust Doctrine to clarify the statuses of the State and the People in the structure of State Ownership of Natural Resources.In the reality of China, the weakest level of State Ownership of Natural Resources is the State's constitutional duty. The scheme of "People Fund of Natural Resources" is a significant attempt that China can follow. Due to its characteristic as an Incomplete Norm, State Ownership of Natural Resources stipulated under Chinese Constitution finds difficulties to be transformed into the specific real right provided under the Real Rights Law. In the present situation where Chinese constitutional regulation system remains unsound, the civil law doctrine of interpretation is expected to play a quasi-constitutional function to control the arbitrary expansion and distortion of State Ownership of Natural Resources.
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