


Defects of Source of Law in the Transformation of Civil Law:Formalization, Domination of Statutory Law and Its Correction

    英文关键词:transformation of civil law;source of law;civil code;special law;commercial law
    The codification of civil law since the modern times has brought about the transformation of civil law from a comprehensive whole into general private law, promoted the establishment of the boundary of civil law system and its limited openness to outside systems, contributed to the formation of nation-states and their corresponding relationship with civil society while, at the same time, also brought with it certain risks. With the formalization of the source of civil law, the establishment of the dominant position of statutory law in the source of law, and the elimination of traditional pluralistic source of law represented by commercial law, the social organizing function of civil law has been undermined and the state's infiltration into the civil law system by means of special law has been more and more immeasurable and uncontrollable. The essence of this crisis is the concealment of the defects the source of civil law itself by the achievements of the systematization of civil law, thereby negatively affecting the realization of the autonomy of private law, which consists the core value of civil law. Thus, in order to improve the source of civil law, part of civil law's function of social integration should be formally transferred to constitutional law. Besides, the source of law of sub-society, represented by commercial law, should be gradually released, and judicial approaches to social and political problems should be expanded, so as to improve the social self-organizing capability of civil law, restore the ability of civil law to participate in the regulation of the non-official public domain, and realize social control through civil law. Only on this basis, dogmatics of civil law can safely become the core of modern civil law science.
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