Typological Composition of Agreed Payment for Breach of Contract
英文关键词:agreed payment for breach of contract;legal model type;stipulated type;element of type;spectrum of type
Legal rules on agreed payment for breach of contract mainly consist of default rules, which provide with a legal model type of payment while at the same time allow parties to stipulate their own types of payment. Because of this normative logic of default rules, it is necessary to carry out research on the composition of various types of agreed payment for breach of contract. The current mainstream theory on the composition of types of agreed payment for breach of contract in China, with its significant starting point, provides devices consistent with normative logic. However, it has the disadvantages of working on the foundation of a single criterion and failing to pay sufficient attention to the differences in the intensity of element of type in the balance of interest, leading to deficiency in practical effect. More elements of type with significance to distinction in law can be synopsized from the analysis of the cases and doctrine of and legislation on division between contractual penalty (Vertragsstrafe) and lump-sum of damages (Schadensersatzpauschalierung) in German civil law. By exploring different possibilities of stipulation against this background, we will be able to analyze the dimension of intensity of these elements and form a spectrum of type. Finally, locating the legal model type in Chinese contract law and various possible stipulated types in the spectrum will enable use to clarify the problems relating to the application of norms of different types. Since different types imply different intentions of stipulation, the composition of types of agreed payment for breach of contract would ensure utmost respect for private autonomy in the application of norms.
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