The Differentiating System and the Single System of Joint Crimefrom the Perspective of Imputation
英文关键词:joint crime;differentiating system;single system;common imputation;single imputation
In recent years, there have been a lot of debates in China over the question of whether the section on joint crimes in Chinese Criminal Law has established a differentiating system or a single system. However, most of these debates have been carried out around the text of the related provisions in the Criminal Law and there are very few in-depth analyses of the imputation basis of joint crime. Today, in a time of increasing convergence between the differentiating system and the single system, it is very difficult to determine whether a system is a differentiating system or a single system merely by considering whether a distinction is made between the principal perpetrator and the accomplice or between conviction and sentencing. Only the introduction of the perspective of imputation can enable us to see clearly the deep-seated problems caused by the single imputation mode to the illegal connotation of joint crime and reveal the lack of thoroughness in the implementation of the common imputation doctrine by the traditional differentiating system. The Chinese Criminal Law adopts the common imputation mode in the provisions on the principal and the accessory in a joint crime and further distinguishes between the central and marginal characters in common imputation. In this sense, the joint crime system provided for by Chinese Criminal Law is neither a single system nor a traditional differentiating system, but rather a differentiating system in the sense of imputation.
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