


Negotiation of the HCCH Judgment Convention and the InternationalJudicial Cooperation on the Protection of Intellectual Property

    英文关键词:intellectual property rights; the HCCH Judgment Convention; international judicial cooperation; Economic and Trade Agreement between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China
    In the intellectual property rights negotiation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (HCCH Judgment Convention), the European Union (EU), the United States (US) and China have taken the positions of cooperation, non-cooperation and restrictive cooperation respectively, representing different modes of interest game at the multilateral level. The Convention finally excludes its application on intellectual property rights and the US mode of non-cooperation is ultimately adopted. At the same time, through unilateral pressure and the Economic and Trade Agreement between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, the protection standards of intellectual property rights in China have been improved, and the US has realized comparative advantages over China at the level of intellectual property system and intellectual property development, which is conducive to the US economic benefits. Similarly, the reason why the EU is willing to carry out international cooperation is also for improving the intellectual property system throughout the world, so as to gain global comparative advantages similar to that of the US. In the future, under the circumstance that the intellectual property system has been improved and the prospect of intellectual property development is promising, China should adopt the international cooperation mode at the multilateral level, so as to provide international public products and safeguard its own intellectual property interests.
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