Case Law Practice against the Background of Statutory Law in Modern China
英文关键词:modern China; highest judicial organ; precedents; case reports
Different from those in the DaliYuan period, the case reports in the Republic of China period were compiled against the background of the successive promulgation of statutory codes. In the process of transition from law-making function to law interpretation function, the case law was still an important way for the highest judicial organ to exercise the power of law interpretation. Since the official reports of judgments were not compiled in a timely manner, a large number of non-official reports of cases appeared in the Republic of China period, and the contents of different versions of these reports were different because of the unclear definition of the cases. In order to facilitate the application by judges, most case reports extracted, split and reorganized the digests of judgments in the cases, and compiled and systematized the digests of judgments of the highest judicial organ cases in the style of the existing legal provisions, thereby formed a de facto system of supplementary legal rules. This method of case compilation increased the convenience of application of case law, but masked the judicial characteristics of precedents, and failed to manifest the practical advantages of precedents over statutory law. With the increasing perfection of statutory codes, the decline of the influence of precedents in modern China became inevitable.
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