The Minimum Guarantees to Rights of the Accused
英文关键词:international convention cm human rights;human rights;civil and political rights;the accured rights
The paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the International Convention on Civil and Politiral Rights has estaltlisshed general standards of minimum guarantees of the accused rights recugnized by international community. The Ceneral Comments, Concluding Observations and related decisions about concerning communications made by the Human Rights Committee, as well as the reservations and interpretative declarations issued by the contracting parties, has clarified the concrete contents of these minimum standards. Those rights of the accused should at least include: To be informted promptly of the charge against him; To have adequate time and facilities preparing for his defense; To be tried without undue delay; To be tried in his presence,and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; To examine. or have examine,the witnesses against him; To get free assistance from an interpreter if he necessary; Not to be compelled to confess guilt. Any need to prevent and punish the terrorism and the other serious crimes could not become a legitimate reason to deprive these minimum guarantees to the accused.
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