


Formal Structure of the Concept of Legal Liability

    英文关键词:legal liability;delict;redress relationship
    From the viewpoint of legal phenomenon, an ideal legal normative concept includes three levels, that is, its value element (due content), its normative element (validity) and its fact element (social effect). Thus the foundation of liability (imputation), the redress relationship and the compulsion by public power embody the three elements of legal liability as a normative concept. The essence of legal liability is the specified redress relationship due to the specified legal fact which infringes right or interest. Therefore the comprehension of legal liability should centers attention on its redress relationship.In Hans Kelsen’s theory, delict is a sufficient and necessary condition of its normative effect (ought to be sanctioned). That is, the result of sanction can be inferred from delict, and delict can also be inferred from sanction. When analyzed from the view of legal relationship, such formal structure of legal liability can change its expression into the redress relationship, thus the normative effect of sanction due to delict can be expressed as the specific redress relationship. In the four categories of redress relationship, the relationship between right and duty and the relationship between privilege and no right as in summary compulsion not only contain the content of sanction, but also can be realized by actual compulsion. These two categories of redress relationship can be the normative element of legal liability. The relationship between right and duty exists widely in civil law, administrative law and criminal law, and is the most common and universal form, while the relationship between privilege and no right exists only in summary compulsion, thus only a special form of the normative element of legal liability. The analysis of this article deepens Hans Kelsen’s legal liability theory in the analytical frame of basic legal relationship, and may provide a kind of explanation for the legitimacy of legal liability mechanism and safeguard effectively the purity and veracity of legal liability as a normative concept.
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