


Appearance and Essence of the Right to Procreation in Civil Law

    英文关键词:right to procreation;right to autonomous procreation;personal right;civil law system
    The last decade has witnessed the increasing arguments about a general conception, i.e., right to procreation, which is often used to describe the claims concerning personal procreative interests in the current civil academies and judicial practices. However, the right to procreation, based on the meaning of itself, belongs to the constitutional rights. It is inappropriate to resort directly to constitutional fundamental rights in concrete civil judgments, for the constitutional law and civil law have different functions and domains. The authors use the caseclassification method to study the judicial practices concerning to the right to procreation. We select 48 typical cases from current judicial practices, which can be classified into the following three categories. The first one is the injury of genital organ, that is, the plaintiff’s genital organ is injured by the defendant and cannot function properly, so the plaintiff sues for damages. The second one is the duty violation between spouses, for example, the wife refuses to procreation or aborts the baby against the husband’s will, so the husband claims that the wife breaches the duty between spouses. The last one is the injury of right to autonomous procreation. In this category of cases, the hospital makes a medical conduct negligently and causes the patient to conceive wrongfully or the baby to be born wrongfully, thus the patient claims that the hospital injures his/her autonomy of procreation.In the first two categories of cases, it is not necessary to introduce the concept of right to procreation, because the solution to these cases can be found in the existing rules of civil law. Only in the last category can the injury of the right to procreation be admitted. However, it is not necessary for this category of cases to resort to the constitutional right to procreation either, because the concept of general personal right or other personal interests can embrace the essence of this concept and therefore these cases can be solved by the existing legal system and theories in civil law.
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