


Presumption of Right: between Substantial Law and Procedural Law

    英文关键词:presumption of right;burden of proof;presumption of right acquisition;to overturn of presumption
    Presumption of right should be explored from the perspective combining procedural law with substantial law. Presumption of right can be based on the possession and registration. The former aims to relief possessor’s difficulty to prove property right and the latter aims to establish the effect of publicity of real property and maintain transaction security. Although having different purposes, they adopt the same legal technology of presuming property rights which are difficult to prove according to the facts easy to prove, such as acquisition of possession and registration. Under the legislation in which possession and registration constitute prerequisites for the effective transfer of real rights, it is probable that the appearance coincides with the real situation of right, so it is reasonable to presume right according to possession and registration. Presumption of right means presumption of the acquisition of right, which is supplemented by the presumption of subsistence. Rights which can be presumed are usually with the function to possess and take the acquisition of possession as an element of acquiring real right. Obligatory rights cannot be presumed.According to the rule of presumption of right, the beneficiary of presumption is exempt from burden of proof, but the other party can overturn the presumption by counter evidences. When the beneficiary himself makes a statement about acquisition course, the other party can overturn the presumption by counter evidences concerning to such acquisition course. In the legal procedure, the possessor must explain his acquisition course and sometimes has to explain why he can’t provide information related. If he rejects to explain and still quotes the rule of presumption, his behavior will constitute abuse of right.
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