


Transformation of Chinese Risk Governance Mode of Food Safety

    英文关键词:food safety risk governance;food safety law;administrative law
    If we take the roles of administrative agencies, stakeholders, experts and the general public as the variables, we can type the risk governance mode of food safety as the mode of top-to-down and the mode of mutual cooperation. The traditional risk governance mode of food safety in China is the top-to-down mode, and the promulgation and implementation of the Food Safety Law further enhances this mode. In the face of frequent incidents of food safety nowadays in China, this mode has been plunged into a crisis of legitimacy. As the mutual cooperation mode is not only held up by the concepts of political philosophy, the contemporary public theories and the foreign experiences of food safety risk governance, but also consistent with the requirement of an appropriate balance between ration and emotion and between science and democracy which is determined by the dual attributes of food safety risk, the mutual cooperation mode hits the heart of the problems of current food safety risk governance in China. The institution framework of the mutual cooperation mode is composed by the core systems, the support systems and the technical ones. The core systems include the consultative participation system, the multilateral risk assessment coordination committee system, the food safety risk communication system, the participatory risk management system and the motion system. The supporting systems include the multi-centered information publicity system and the accountability system. And the technical systems include the consensus meeting among the representatives of the general public, the expert seminars and hearing systems and the consensus meeting system among the representatives of experts, stakeholders and the general public.
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