


Universal CivilJurisdiction: Its Development and Challenge

    英文关键词:universal civil jurisdiction;universal criminal jurisdiction;the Torture Convention;the Proposed Hague Judgments Convention
    The concept and practice of universal civil jurisdiction originates from the interpretation and application of the Alien Tort Claims Act in Filártiga v. Pena-Irala in 1980 by the United States federal court. After this new dimension emerged, especially after the decision of the United States Supreme Court delivered in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, it has attracted attentions of some other states and international organizations. Whether universal civil jurisdiction should correspond to the criminal dimension, and whether it should depend on the absence of effective remedies in jurisdiction with traditional links to the prescribed conduct, have become the most important questions for its further application and expansion.Practices of exercising universal civil jurisdiction have great challenge to the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference. Although some narrators allege that states’ practices in this field support of a customary rule, for neither the Torture Convention nor the Proposed Hague Judgments Convention obliges states to do so, there is no evidence that there are general and consistent state practices in support of this conclusion. However, considering that providing civil redress for alien is not prohibited by Article 14 of the Torture Convention and the perpetrators of torture should not escape from punishment, there is a possibility that more states would be urged to provide effective redress for all torture victims.This kind of doctrine and practice has caused great challenge to China both for its national interest and for its legal adjustment. It’s necessary for China to introduce this new doctrine into its legal system and participate more effectively in the UN Assembly debate on the issue of universal jurisdiction.
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