


The Consent of the Victim in theTheft Crime

    英文关键词:the consent of the victim;theft;transfer of control;theft trap
    The consent of the victim is a very important subject in the field of the general theory of the criminal law. As a justification beyond the legislation, the consent’s function of justification has become the common view in the academic of the criminal law. The consent of the victim in the property crimes may affect both the subjective and objective constitutive requirements. According to the dogmatic theory of the criminal law, the objective constitutive requirements of the theft are to transfer the control of the property in violation of the will of the controller. Instead, taking away the property under the consent of the controller could be excluded from its objective constitutive requirements. The integration of the general principle of the consent of the victim and the specific characteristics of the objective constitutive requirements of the theft could achieve some new and independent dogmatic fruits which coordinate the general theory and the specific theory of the criminal law.Firstly, by applying the theory of the “preset consent”, we can resolve a series of problems effectively occurred in ATM and other self-service machine cases. That is, obtaining property by using counterfeit currency from machines constitutes the theft crime, and withdrawing the real currency after obtaining property by use of real currency from machines constitutes the theft crime against the real currency. Moreover, illegally using other people’s credit card to get money from the ATM does not constitute the theft crime, and using a credit card to draw money from the ATM by utilizing the ATM’s malfunction constitutes the theft crime. In addition, according to whether there is consent about transferring the control of the property, the accomplished theft and the attempted theft can be distinguished on the theft trap occasions. Finally, to distinguish the indirect principle offender of the theft and the triangle defraud according to the standard of “objective authority + examination obligations” reflects the respect for the will of the victims.
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