The Use of Dictionary Definition in Judgments
英文关键词:dictionary definition;literal interpretation;judicial discretion;legal application
The use of dictionary definitions in the process of adjudication is a legal phenomenon worthy of attention. From theoretical perspective, dictionary definitions can be used to resolve semantic problems, rebuild semantic consensus, or figure out the possible meanings as soon as possible. Statistic analysis of 519 cases decided by Chinese courts proves that dictionaries can be used as a special tool of literal interpretation, yet the courts have never expressly explained the proper role and use of dictionaries in their judgments. Although literal interpretation tends to rely heavily on dictionary definitions, Chinese judges rarely offer explanation or methodology for their choice of dictionary in a particular opinion. Further investigation also shows that dictionary definition may be manipulated by judges to achieve their desired results or linguistic intuition. In fact, dictionary definition is not an authoritative, objective or consistently applied method of interpretation. Considering the indeterminacies in dictionaries and their definitions, the choice among different dictionaries and definitions must subject to the context of the case at hand and judicial discretion. Dictionary definitions can provide useful, but not conclusive or exclusive, aid or guideline for judges. Since dictionaries can only provide non-contextual interpretation, judges must seek other materials beyond dictionaries. External materials, such as legislative purpose, legislative history, existing precedents, and social experience, can provide much more concrete and accurate meanings. The analysis of practice and theory signifies that adjudication is a process which is much more complex than mere looking a word up in dictionaries. Dictionary definitions can be employed by courts as the start point, not the end point or last criterion, for ascertaining the meaning of word (s) at issue.
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