Burden of Proof for “Affirmative Defenses”: Misunderstanding and Clarification
英文关键词:affirmative defenses;burden of proof;burden of persuasion;burden of adducing evidence;proof necessity
In recent years, many scholars in China believe that the burden of proof of the so-called “affirmative defenses” should be allocated to the defendant because such allocation mechanism conforms not only to the principle of distribution of burden of proof that “he who affirms must prove” and the proof policy according to which the burden of producing evidence shall be borne by the party who could easily adduce evidence, but also to the common practice of western law-based countries. However, their arguments are based on some serious misunderstandings in comparative law and on their failure to recognize the particularity of the burden of proof in criminal cases. Because of the tradition of inquisitorial procedure, the defendant in Continental Law countries does not carry the burden of adducing evidence for “affirmative defenses”. In Common Law countries, the defendant is generally required to bear the burden of adducing evidence for “affirmative defenses” mainly because of the structure of the adversarial jury procedure. The Chinese criminal law differs from the criminal law of Common Law countries both in crime constitution and in procedural mode and, in practice, the right of defense is not sufficiently safeguarded in China. Therefore, there exist no sufficient grounds to require the defendant in China to bear the burden of persuasion or to produce evidence for “affirmative defenses”. On the contrary, because of the “proof necessity” resulting from the “objective risk of losing a case”, currently China urgently needs to strengthen the defense right and the “duty of care” of judicial organs, rather than to demand the defendant to bear the burden of proving the so-called “affirmative defenses”.
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