An Originalist Interpretation of the Land Clauses in the 1982 Constitution
英文关键词:public land ownership;constitutional land clause;land transfers;originalism
Article 10 of the 1982 Chinese Constitution is widely recognized to have established the constitutional foundation of China's land administration system in the post-reform era. It is unprecedented in modern Chinese constitutional history and unique among constitutional land clauses around the world. Yet the existing literature fails to explain why this article has taken its present shape and whether there is any internal logic between its five clauses. To solve these puzzles, an originalist approach is taken to make sense of Article 10 in its own historical context: fundamentally it is a constitutional entrenchment of the policy responses in the early 1980s in China that deals with the then urgent needs to rein in rapid loss of agricultural land to urbanization and industrialization on the one hand and to facilitate expropriation of state land on the other. Article 10 therefore embodies the long-standing tradition of the bifurcated system of rural/urban public land ownership and the "presumption of state land takings in non-agricultural use of rural land" since the 1950s. However, over the last thirty-odd years, this system has become increasingly problematic in practice, not least because of the fact that new values and objectives have been incorporated into the 1982 Constitution after several constitutional amendments. Therefore, our understanding of Article 10 has to be updated—an originalist interpretation actually detaches the constitutional article from specific institutional arrangements and directs our attention to such constitutional values as pragmatism and balance of interests underpinning Article 10. This creates room for further reform of China's land regime without invoking unconstitutionality of the current system.
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