Quantitative Analysis of Regional Differences in the Construction of Law-based Government in China
英文关键词:law-based government;regional rule of law;local government;quantitative analysis
The construction of local law-based government is the micro-representation of that in the whole China. It has been proved that the objective reality of uneven development existing among regional law-based government, through the comprehensive evaluation of local governments. This imbalance is manifested by the differences in the law-based government between the eastern, middle and western China, as well as the varied equilibrium degrees in different regions. There is a positive relationship between the status of law-based government and economic indicators such as GDP and per capita income, and this correlation is more obvious in the eastern and Western regions. Political promotion in some central provinces and cities plays an important role, which dilutes the basic role of the economy to some extent. The same or similar cultural factors in a region reduce the differences between cities, and improve the convergence of the rule of law in the regional government. The increase of regional gap of rule of law is affecting the possibility of balance and unification of the rule of law in the country, thus intensifying the imbalance of economic and social development. Different regions should explore ways of speeding up the progress of the rule of law on the basis of their own characteristics. Openness of government affairs can become a forcing mechanism with the butterfly effect in regions that are relatively backward in the developed rule of law. Local governments should strive to increase public participation, improve democratization of administrative decision-making, and enhance the people's "sense of gain" in the development of the rule of law.
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