Categorization of Cybercrime Aiding Activities
英文关键词:providing aid for the commission of cybercrimes, providing programs or tools for the commission of the crime of hacking into or illegally controlling a computer information system, providing aid for commission of information network crime, mens rea
Analysis of written judgments indicates that, in judicial practice relating to cybercrime aiding activities, attention has been focused on the chaotic standards on the aided crimes and the mens rea of the act of aiding the crime, as well as the actus reus of the aiders. Acts of providing aid for cybercrimes can be categorized according to such criteria as their harmfulness and independency, and convicted according to corresponding standards. The completion degree of the actus reus of the aided cybercrimes is directly related to the harmfulness and independency of the aiding activities. According to the completion degree, acts of providing aid for cybercrimes can be categorized into three types: aiding substantial part of the actus reus of cybercrimes; aiding some part of the actus reus; and aiding in the preparation for the crime or at the late stage of the crime. The first type corresponds to the act of providing programs or tools for the commission of the crime of hacking into or illegally controlling a computer information system. The second type corresponds to the act of knowingly providing programs or tools to a person who is about to commit the crime of hacking into or illegally controlling a computer information system. The third type corresponds to the act of providing aid for the commission of information network crime. The above relations of correspondence are supported by textual interpretation, legislative and judicial intentions, characteristics of cyber programs, and the harmfulness of the aiding activities. The first type can independently evaluate the harmfulness of the crime, while the second and the third types require the ascertainment of the act of knowingly aiding a crime and the illegality of the aided crimes. The act of providing aid for large number of activities that have only small harms individually or cannot be convicted as a crime can be evaluated as the second or the third type.
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