Legislative Policy on Homestead and Institutional Reform of the Rightto the Use of Homestead
英文关键词:homestead ownership, right to use homestead, homestead farmers’ qualification right, the spatial management right of homestead, the statutory leasehold of the homestead
The policy of “separation of three homestead rights” has changed neither the basic homestead policy, nor the nature of homestead as a housing land for farmers. Solving the problem of idle rural homestead and housing vacancies and improving the efficiency of resource allocation is not a simple question of granting and expanding the right to the use of rural homestead, but a comprehensive reform that involves implementing collective land ownership, guaranteeing farmers’ right of qualification and housing property rights, and moderately liberalizing the right to the use of rural homestead and houses. The institutional design of the reform must follow the basic legislative policies and conform to the nature of the right to the use of homestead, rather than simply granting the right to the use of homestead and expanding its capacity. The scope of the objective space of homestead should be defined, the right to develop the aboveground and underground spaces of the homestead should be granted to farmers’ collective according to plans, and farmers’ collective should enjoy the spatial management right of homestand. In the change of farmers’ house ownership, the statutory leasehold of homestead should be set by collectives for assignees within the scope of living purpose. In commercial and residential areas and business areas, collectives should set the right to the use of collective profitoriented construction land for transferees. The homestead farmers’ qualification right should be stipulated as part of famers’ collective ownership rights.
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