Deep Dialectical Structure of Global Intellectual Property Governance Game: Chinese Paradigm and Chinese Approach
英文关键词:global intellectual property governance; knowledge commons; framing idea; Chinese paradigm; Chinese approach
Global intellectual property governance is an area that comparative law and private law studies are unable to thoroughly illuminate. It is not only a battlefield of contesting economic powers, but also an acute reflection of ideas, framing and their mobilization observed from the perspective of sociology and international relations. China can contribute to global intellectual property governance in a non-Western, dialectical and constructive way only by unfolding scrupulously the inherent mechanism of conflicts, reforms and lawmaking in the current governance domain. This article offers a rigorous and detailed discussion on the methodologies, dialectical structures and examples of the abovementioned mechanism, followed by a proposal of paradigms and approaches for China to find a way out of the fundamental dialectical predicaments faced by global intellectual property governance through the establishment of its own body of knowledge. Such an approach to improve the deep dialectical structure of global governance through Chinese culture can help to reshape international legal norms. It responds to the universal appeal for cultural diversity as well as the expectation of overseas mainstream schools of intellectual property for "new approaches" to contract the Western "unitary axis". In the current global context, it may become the greatest common divisor for industrial innovation and balanced global development that can invalidate the "legitimacy" of US global knowledge hegemony and create an international resonance on sincere and impartial justifications for righteousness, proper interests and coexistence of all.
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