Practice Progressionfrom Statutory Taxationtothe Rule of Law in Taxation
英文关键词:reform of taxation system; statutory taxation; the rule of law in taxation; “one tax; one law”; tax code
China has achieved fruitful results in implementing the principle of statutory taxation and constructing the rule of law in the field of taxation since this goal was set by the Central Committee of CPC in 2013. However, the translated legislative model of “one tax, one law” mainly adopted in the field of taxation is still faced with such problems as the oversimplified taxation system, unfinished tasks of institutional reform and legislation in key areas, and lack of organic coordination and connection among separate tax laws. The law reservation emphasized by the principle of statutory taxation is only one of the requirements of the rule of law in taxation. As a formal principle, statutory taxation serves the objective of realizing substantive fairness and justice in taxation. China should further improve the tax legal system and standardize the tax law enforcement practice in accordance with the substantive value of the rule of law in taxation. In implementing the principle of statutory taxation, China should take “good law and good governance” as the fundamental requirement, meet the value pursuit and the principled requirements of the rule of law in taxation through the establishment of deeper-level mechanisms, so as to realize the practice progression from statutory taxation to the rule of law in taxation.
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