Typification and Substitute ofthe Subjects of Exercising British and American Extraterritorialityin Late Qing China
英文关键词:consular court; mixed court; H. B. M.'s Supreme Court for China and Japan; the United States Court for China; extraterritorial regimes
During the “Treaty Century”, there had been a transition of the subjects of exercise of British and American judicial power in China from consuls mainly to consuls alongside professional judges from both countries. Both the British and American consuls in China had been granted unusual judicial power and jurisdiction through non-equal treaties, British orders-in-council, or Acts of Congress of the United States. However, since the middle of the 19th century, limiting or regulating the judicial power of consular officers had become a shared concern of both semi-colonial nations trying to resist “consular jurisdiction” and the British and American governments trying to strengthen the “extraterritorial regimes”. As a result, the entire discussions and reformative plans of the consular officers' judicial power were diverted to the establishment and administration of “mixed courts” and professional courts in China. Judicial power gradually flowed from non-professional consular officers to professional judges, but it was only “a transfer from one pocket to another” in terms of the two countries' extraterritorial jurisdictions, not to mention that consular officers' judicial power was not completely weakened. Their main purpose of changing the subjects of the exercise of judicial power was to strengthen “extraterritorial regimes”.
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