


The View of the Digital Rule of Law of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law

    英文关键词:Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law; the digital rule of law; digital economy; digital government; a community of common future in cyberspace
    Comprehensively promoting and systematically constructing Law-based China with digital cognition, digital thinking and digital technology has become a strategic demand and inevitable choice of promoting comprehensive rule of law. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has coordinated the overall situation of national rejuvenation, formulated the Digital China strategy in the historical world context of the profound change of the century, and made a correlative, systematic and integrated overall plan for the construction of Law-based China, Digital China and China as an "Internet Power" in the context of the world digital revolution. Through his important expositions of the principles of promoting the healthy development of the digital economy by rule of law, promoting the deep integration between digitalization and rule of law in government governance, enhancing the level of digitalization, intelligence and rule of law in social governance, building a community of common future in cyberspace and promoting the transformation of global internet governance system, Xi Jinping has constructed in an original way a theoretical system of the digital rule of law with world significance and Chinese wisdom in the grand practice scenario of Chinese modernization. The view of the digital rule of law of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law profoundly responds to the urgent need for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, the realistic expectations of the public for perceptible justice, and the value choice and institutional path for promoting the change of the global governance system, and manifests the systematic foresight and scientific methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law.
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