中国土地征收补偿标准研究 基于地方立法文本的分析
屈茂辉,周志芳中国土地征收补偿标准研究 基于地方立法文本的分析
A Study on Compensation Standard for Expropriation in China
英文关键词:compensation for expropriation;standard;multiples of annual production;regional integrated price of land;just compensation
Fair and reasonable compensation standard is one of the core elements for the justification of expropriation, and the actual implementation of compensation standards in China is directly determined by local legislations. Based on the statistical analysis of 83 local legislative texts related to compensation standards, this article tries to draw a complete and accurate picture of the status quo of China’s compensation standard for expropriation.The data shows that a comparatively high percentage of local legislations hold ambiguous attitude toward specific compensation criteria or authorize lower rank regulations to provide it, and thus the municipal and county governments become the actual decision-makers of specific criteria for compensation. Meanwhile, there are a certain percentage of local legislations which are greatly effected by the national policy instead of the Land Management Law of China. Though the national policy of regional integrated price of land has significant impact on local legislations about compensation model, multiples of annual production criteria is still adopted by most of the local legislations. In addition, the average compensating multiple for land and settling subsidy provided by local governments is not high, only half of the ceiling multiple settled by the Land Management Law. More over, the Property Law of China clearly distinguishes the compensation for ownership and the compensation for the right of beneficial use of land, but none of local legislations, including those enacted after the Property Law, provides separate compensation for rural collective land ownership and the right of beneficial use of land. To solve the aforementioned problems, the Real Estate Expropriation Law should be drafted as soon as possible, and it should establish the fair principle of compensation for expropriation based on market value, clearly stipulate the scope of compensation, restrict legislative power about compensation standard, and set a specific formula for calculating compensation after considering the comprehensive factors relating to land value, etc. In order to avoid the adverse effects of excessively strong executive power and to ensure good operation of the Real Estate Expropriation Law, an operation mechanism of checks and balances of legislative, judicial and executive power should be established.
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