


A Structural Analysis of Basic Forms of Legal Reasoning

    英文关键词:subsumption;balance;analogy;stage of argumentation;discursive
    The core of theoretical problem about legal reasoning lies in its structure, on which the present studies on basic forms of legal reasoning concentrate. Legal Reasoning describes a process, during which men apply legal reasons discursively und inter-subjectively aiming at a rational conclusion. Taken those presuppositions, the basic forms of legal reasoning should have three characteristics, viz. formality, necessity, and specificity. The “Four-divided Model” by Arthur Kaufmann and “Three-divided Model” by Robert Alexy provide both good starts for this research. Comparatively, the latter model is sounder, but there remain some demerits with it. On the one hand, only subsumption (deduction), balance and analogy share above three fundamental characteristics of legal reasoning. Thus understood, on the other hand, they have hitherto not yet been inserted into a dynamic procedure of legal argumentation. As normative argumentation, basic forms of legal reasoning are bound to reflect the nature of discursive rationality. Thus we have to establish some new analytical prerequisites, that is, the structure distinction between legal rules and legal principles, the judgment of the existence of rule holes and its relation with rules, and the different corresponding relations between the stages and premises of legal reasoning and the basic forms of it.Subsumption is apt to the first (“construction of arguments”) and third (“reconstruction of arguments”) stages, in the meanwhile men should remember well that the structures of these two stages are different. Balance applies to the second stage (“cross attacks of arguments”), and analogy, when thought as the chief mean and method to fulfill rule hole, just strides across two stages, viz. construction of arguments and reconstruction of arguments. Subsumption stands at the beginning and the end of balance process, while it is yet connected to the upshot of analogy course. Analogy, when major premises with “relevant similarity” have been found, can be transformed into subsumption. Through partial reducibility thesis, analogy can also be transformed into balance. Subsupmtion, balance and analogy constitute an integral part of a normative legal reasoning model.
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