


Triple Values of Property Right

    英文关键词:property right;emotional value;a pleasure of possession;a pleasure of gain;a pleasure of exploitation
    The pleasures of life due to wealth on the one hand reflect the primitive feelings of human beings, on the other hand, they reveal a fundamental issue of property theories. The capacity of property determines the eligibilities of the persons and legal entities to conduct some actions, while the acquisition, use of and limitation to the power of property lay down the foundations of property regime. If we look at the emotional values of wealth, the pleasures of life due to wealth may include a pleasure of possession, a pleasure of gain and a pleasure of exploitation. The pleasure of possession expresses the individual’s emotions about property rights serving the purpose to delineate the boundary of property rights. The pleasure of gain achieves the individual’s value over their acquiring and enjoying the power accrued from property. The pleasure of exploitation is built on the capacity of property and materializes the social significance of property rights. Nowadays, the social responsibilities attached to the property rights have been emphasized, and at the same time we can see the switch of the property regime from the primitive semi-commons to several and joint ownership, joint ownership, condominium ownership, the scheme of recognizing the manager’s entitlements, and so on. The system of jus in re aliena has been redesigned and is fully fledged with more diverse types of rights. Besides the traditional usufructuary right and right of pledge, lease, loan and transfer of intellectual achievements have been utilizing the property concept to ensure the social demands and needs met and the industrial innovation continue. Only based on these values can property rights function as the instrument of the public policy, which could result in both the individual happiness and the social welfare growth.
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