


Trial of the Cases concerning Aliens in Harbin Liberated Areas

    英文关键词:Harbin Liberated Areas;the trial of cases concerning aliens;the legal history of revolution
    Harbin was the first international city where the Chinese Communist Party established a stable regime. There were large alien population and a large amount of legal disputes in Harbin Liberated Areas. From 1946 -1949, the courts of Harbin Liberated Areas accepted 447 criminal cases and 813 civil cases concerning aliens, around 8.3% and 14.7% of the total number of criminal and civil cases they accepted. The democratic regime of Harbin Liberated Areas explored and tried many ways to form a multiple trial basis in the practice of the trial of cases concerning aliens.First of all, the courts of Harbin Liberated Areas applied the old law of the Chinese Kuomintang, which was determined not only by the nature of the democratic regime, but also by the needs of the particular situation. Moreover, the prerequisites for the application were that the law was not inconsistent with the democratic principles of Harbin Liberated Areas, and was not in conflict with the revolution policy and ordinance of the Communist Party. Secondly, the application of the policy of the Chinese Communist Party as the basis of trial was a measure under specific context. At the beginning of the establishment of the regime, there were not enough revolutionary legal institutions to adjust the social relations in big cities. Policy instead of the law was a realistic choice with both advantages and disadvantages which should be given a full understanding.Again, the application of the Soviet law in cases concerning aliens had political reasons. It was also inseparable from the historical conditions at that time. Moreover, the court of Harbin Liberated Areas also fully respected to the good customs of aliens, mainly the recognition of the marriage established in the church. The judicial application of the law of the Soviet Union and the foreign customs was an attempt to apply the conflict law. The judicial practice in Harbin Liberated Areas of respecting for and applying the old law, the Soviet law and foreign customs is still a reference in our legislative and judicial practice.
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