


Private Autonomyand Characters of Private Law

    英文关键词:private autonomy|characters of private law|formalism|the character of form|the character of autonomy|the character of instrumentality
    Chinese scholars of the private law ignore widely the relationship between private autonomy and private law, which provides the existing space and functional background for the former. In fact, due to private autonomy, private law presents characters of formalism as abstract, end-independence, negativeness, procedure, form, autonomy, instrumentality, etc. Concretely, the abstract private rules beyond specific questions provide just a framework in which individuals take actions. These rules just limit but not govern people's decisions. Private law has not its own purpose and treats all individual specific purposes as its own, so that exists as a multi-purpose instrument. Private autonomy is a negative conception. Although negative private rules are mandatory, they would not hurt private autonomy excessively due to their negativeness. The procedural control is of obvious superiority over the end-control for preserving the freedom of juristic act because it is founded on the theory of subjective value. Procedural private law is formal meantime. In private law, formal obligations limit personal freedom in the minimum degree, so the priority of freedom is highlighted. The value of private autonomy is conflict with the non-legal ideas from politics, ethics, economics, to religion, which means that private law has the character of autonomy. The instrumental rationality embodies not only in all transaction fields by juristic act system, but also in the non-transaction fields, such as family and donation. So all fields of private law are full of the instrumental rationality.Private autonomy is the foundation of the private law, thus the above characters should dominate private law. Civil legislation should abide by the characters of formalism, and should not make exceptions easily but for sufficient and justifiable reasons. However, there are different defects in current Chinese civil legislation, such as declaring legislative purpose specifically in the first article, taking discrimination imprudently, the phenomenon of the general politics, etc. The characters of formalism should be improved in the future civil legislation of China.
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