Administrative Licensing Standard:Conflicts and Solutions
英文关键词:standard of administrative licensing;criteria of discretion;normative conflict
Administrative licensing standard is the interpretation and elaboration of the statutory conditions and procedures of administrative licensing. Theoretically it belongs to the criteria of discretion in administrative licensing, functionally it constitutes the sum of all restrictive conditions for obtaining a license, and formally it is manifested in a top-down "ladder-structure" norm system. From the perspective of relatively concentrated administrative licensing, the market access process is often a complex licensing process consisting of more than one single licensing, resulting in conflicts between substantive and procedural licensing standards adopted by different government departments. The internal causes for such conflicts are departmental interests behind the power of administrative licensing and paternalistic mode of regulation, the external manifestations of such conflicts are the conflicts between different levels of legal norms adopted by different administrative agencies, and most of them are empirical, rather than logical conflicts. There are three main solutions to these conflicts, i.e., continuously improvement of the current mode of administrative coordination, development of general coordination techniques through the summarization of individual cases, and adoption and promulgation of a comprehensive standard on administrative discretion.
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