


Essence of Institutional Innovation and Purpose of Knowledge Innovation of Intellectual Property Law

    英文关键词:intellectual property law;institutional innovation;value of knowledge innovation;strategy of intellectual property right
    Innovation is considered the historical process as well as the purpose of the development of intellectual property law. Innovation in intellectual property law has two aspects of meaning, i.e., innovation in the institution itself and innovation in the knowledge pursued by the institution. The history of the emergence and development of intellectual property law is also a history of interaction and mutual promotion between science and technology, cultural innovation and system of law. Though innovation has been seen as the essence of intellectual property law, the law has some inherent "institutional risks" because its natural endowment for innovation is subjected to the international influence of economic globalization and challenged by knowledge revolution in the contemporary society. An ideal intellectual property right system should be a system that continuously inspires innovation while at the same time continuously innovates on itself. The administrators of state and social affairs should play the role of "political entrepreneurs". As the main source of innovation system, they should make rational reflections on and active responses to the existing problems at the levels of subject consciousness, institutional design and social operation. In the historical development of innovation, intellectual property law has always been treated by modern states, such as the United Kingdom, the United States and South Korea, as the model law for promoting intellectual innovation and as an institutional civilization that forms part of the national strategy during periods of social transition. Currently China is becoming a world power. As such, it should pay attention to institutional building and policy improvement and take intellectual property right as "the driving force of innovation and development" in its fundamental strategies.
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