


Procedural Control of Criminal Investigation Power in China

    英文关键词:criminal investigation power;procedural control;judicial review;relationship between the prosecution and the police;two-step control mode
    The existing control pattern of criminal investigation power in China takes internal hierarchical self-disciplinary control as the main method and external heteronomous control by judicial power as the supplementary method. Judging from the surface of the institution structure, the traditional linear model, the utilitarian control mode, and the incomplete procedural remedies have exposed the weakness and incompleteness of the existing system. Squeezed between institutional environment and social culture and influenced for a long period of time by deep-rooted notions formed through bureaucratic control and prosecutorial supervision, the system of procedural control over criminal investigation power in China has been caught in a process of conceptual involution, and gradually frustrating all attempts for improvements. The reform of the system of procedural control over criminal investigation power should be carried out according to a short-term plan on the basis of actual conditions and under the guidance of the long-term plan. The long-term goal of procedural control system in China should be to establish a judicial review model which is in line with China's national conditions to realize the complete legalization and professionalization of criminal investigation power. Under the existing legal framework, the short-term plan is to establish, on the basis of the exclusionary rule and through the prosecutorial supervision, a two-step control mode that takes the prosecution as the center of the pretrial procedure and the court as the center of the trial proceedings, to develop a synergistic effect through the operation of such supporting systems as case guidance, state compensation, judicial suggestions and other similar systems, so as to compel the investigation organs to make improvements in investigative methods and techniques, thereby further contributing to the realization of the long-term reform plan.
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