


Rethinking on the Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Principle of Supporting Litigation

    英文关键词:social intervention;principle of supporting litigation;public interest litigation;right to participate in social management
    我国现行民事诉讼法第15条规定的支持起诉原则, 源于苏联法上的社会干预诉讼制度。当下, 我国处于社会转型时期, 传统国家干涉主义下的社会干预诉讼理论已不适应新时期的发展要求, 支持起诉原则也因此在法理依据上面临转型的必要。但是, 在制度设计和功能定位上, 我们不应以苏联法已经过时为理由而拒绝参考之。从法系意识论而言, 一方面, 我们要学习和借鉴苏联于诉讼制度和实体制度两个方面有机统一的立法经验, 科学地建构我国保护国家财产、集体财产、公共利益不受侵害的社会参与诉讼制度。另一方面, 不能简单地盲从和照搬苏联法, 而是要立足于国情和社会发展现实, 通过理论创新和制度创新, 构建符合现代法治精神的中国特色社会参与诉讼制度。
    The principle of supporting litigation in the current Chinese Civil Procedure Law stems from the system of social intervention in litigation under the law of the Soviet Union. However, no comprehensive and in-depth study has been carried out by the Chinese legal scholars on the social background and evolution of the Soviet system of social intervention in litigation, which will be presented in detail in this paper. As one of the characteristics of the socialist civil litigation, this system aims to mobilize the public into participating in social administration and surveillance by the way of civil litigation, so as to protect state and public interests and lawful private interests, and uphold the socialist legal system and legal order. Although the principle of social intervention, which is based on the traditional theory of state interventionism, can no longer meet the need of social development in China at the current stage of social transition and a new basis needs to be found to support the principle of supporting litigation, the principle should not be abandoned in system construction and function orientation only because the Soviet law is outdated. In terms of the consciousness of the families of laws, on the one hand, we should learn from the practical experience of the Soviet law, so as to reasonably formulate the litigation system of social intervention to protect state and collective property and public interest. On the other hand, we should not indiscriminately copy the Soviet law, but construct through theoretical and institutional innovation a litigation system of social intervention with Chinese characteristics in accordance with modern spirit of law and on basis of the national conditions in China. An appropriate system of social intervention will provide a good opportunity for the development of civil litigation in China.
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