


General Exception Clause in Contemporary Private International Law

    英文关键词:general exception clause;principle of closest connection;private international law legislation;corrective function
    最密切联系原则在当代国际私法上得到广泛运用, 而传统的萨维尼式冲突规则又存在不足的背景下, 以最密切联系原则为基础的例外条款在国际私法立法上有其必要性。由于作为总则性的一般条款的最密切联系原则、作为补充性原则的最密切联系原则和只存在于特定领域的特别例外条款均有其不足, 例外条款在国际条约、欧盟统一国际私法和一国国际私法立法中的引入, 呈现出了从特别例外条款到一般性例外条款的发展态势。一般性例外条款被赋予具有一般意义的矫正功能, 同时须满足一定的适用条件。一般性例外条款一方面维持了一国正常的冲突规则在通常情况下的适用, 另一方面又准许该国法院在正常的冲突规则所指定的法律体系与案件并无密切联系时, 例外地适用与案件有最密切联系的另一法律体系, 从而在保持法律适用的可预见性和安定性的同时, 避免或克服了传统冲突规则的固定性、僵化性、机械性和盲目性。将一般性例外条款纳入一国的国际私法法典或主要的国际私法制定法已成为当代国际私法立法的一大趋势。
    In view of the broadened application of the principle of the closest connection and deficiencies of the classical Savigny's conflict rules, there has been the need of introducing into private international law an exception clause based on the principle of the closest connection. The introduction of an exception clause into international treaties, the unified EU private international law and the private international law legislation of a specific country has demonstrated an advance from specific exception clause to general exception clause. Since the principle of closest connection, whether as a general clause of the general part, as a mere supplementary principle, or as the exception clauses only existing in specific fields, has its deficiencies, the general exception clause has been given a corrective function with general significance and is subject to certain conditions for its application. On the one hand, the general exception clause upholds the normal application of the ordinary conflict rules of a country. On the other hand, it allows exceptional departure from the legal system designated by the ordinary conflict rules and the application of another legal system most connected with the factual situation, thereby maintaining the predictability and certainty of the application of laws while avoiding or overcoming the fixedness, rigidity, mechanical nature and blindness of the classical conflict rules. Incorporation of the general exception clause into the private international law code (or the main act on private international law) of a country has become a trend of contemporary private international law legislation. As to the future perfection of the Chinese Law on the Application of Laws to Civil Relationships Involving Foreign Element, it is necessary to introduce a general exception clause in order to guarantee the maximum application of the principle of closest connection.
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