


Logic behind the Review System Reform of the Necessity of Detention

    英文关键词:review on the necessity of detention;procuratorial review;sectionalized review;centralized review;judicial ecology
    羁押必要性审查制度的确立是检察审查逻辑的延伸, 其并未在根本上改变以往缺乏司法审查的制度安排和“一押到底”的司法实践。基于参与式观察、对五十余名司法实务人员(包括检察官、法官、警察、律师)的深度访谈以及一系列司法数据, 本文一方面通过透视中国检察机关(系统)内部不同部门(条线)之间, 在羁押必要性审查制度确立过程中的发展竞争与权力博弈, 指出《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》所确立的分段审查模式主要兼顾了侦查监督、公诉等办案部门(条线)的职能安排。另一方面, 通过对H省试行归口审查模式的实践进行考察, 指出该模式的试点效果得以彰显, 在很大程度上是因为基层检察院协调了检察院内部和外部的权力关系, 但这种促生或支撑归口审查模式的基层司法生态并不稳定, 因此试点改革的长期可持续性存疑。在中国, 一项旨在保障被追诉人权益的改革举措, 其落实和成效在很大程度上要受制于司法权力博弈和司法生态。
    The establishment of the review system on the necessity of detention embodies the extension of the logic of prosecutorial supervision. It neither changes the previous institutional arrangement in which judicial review is absent nor mitigates the problem of long-term detention. Based on participatory observation, in-depth interview of over 50 criminal justice practitioners, including prosecutors, judges, policemen and lawyers, and a series of judicial data, this article shows that there has been considerable power struggles between the main case-dealing departments in the procuratorial system in the process of establishment of the review system on the necessity of detention and points out that the mode of sectionalized review mode established in the Rules of Criminal Procedure of the People's Procuratorate has taken into account the interests of two powerful departments of criminal investigation and public prosecution, but, unfortunately, neglected the rights of the defendant. Also through empirical studies of the experimental practice of centralized review mode in H province, this article shows that the centralized review mode had been effective only because local procuratorates at the grassroots level running the experiment had already coordinated the power relations between different departments both inside and outside the procuratorial system. However, as this kind of judicial ecology is not stable, the sustainability of the achievements of the experiment is questionable. On the whole, the initiation and enforcement of a procedural reform aimed at benefiting the defendant in China usually depend on power relations between and judicial ecology of various criminal justice agencies in the country.
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