Reflections on Doctrinal Theory of Constitutional Law from the Perspective of Social System Theory
英文关键词:doctrinal theory of law;doctrinal theory of the constitutional law;social science of law;constitutional methodology
In a period of social transition, the doctrinal theory of constitutional law in China needs to answer two questions: how to respond to the social transition and how to make value judgment within the system of the doctrinal theory. The purpose of traditional doctrinal theory of law (Rechtsdogmatik) is to realize the scientificity of the jurisprudence, which is achieved by conception delimiting and logical methods. Hans Kelsen defined the scientificity of jurisprudence as the cognitive system of the legal norm and regarded value judgment as legal politics. However, with the passage of time, the traditional doctrinal theory of law had a cognitive twist. Value judgment, which was regarded as legal politics by Kelsen, has become one of the tasks of doctrinal theory of law. In the context of social functional differentiation, the constitution has a dual function: to defend the legal system against the direct intervention by political and economical systems and to import into the legal system the values of other social subsystems. Therefore, the doctrinal theory of constitutional law needs to adjust its pursuit of goal from that of certainty to that of possibility. It needs to integrate two different elements, i.e., consistency and consideration of consequences. The integration should be achieved by building the theory of constitutional transformation. The purpose of this work is to establish the following procedure for the operation of the doctrinal theory of constitutional law: constitutional transformation→ascertaining possible scope of legal norms→making constitutional decisions.
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