Direction and Logic of the Reform of Forensic Identification and Evaluation System
英文关键词:forensic identification and evaluation;management system of identification and evaluation;identification and evaluation bodies;forensic evaluators
The decentralized administration by political-legal departments of forensic identification and evaluation had been relatively reasonable for a long period of time after the Cultural Revolution.However,starting from the 1990s,especially since the beginning of the 21st century,the reform of the judicial system and court trial model and the disadvantages of excessive division of authority among political-legal departments had ultimately led to the reform of the forensic identification and evaluation system in 2005,in which judicial administrative organs have been authorized to exercise unified administration of forensic identification and evaluation on behalf of the state.However,the power struggle between the political-legal departments and the many difficulties faced by judicial administrative organs in administrating social forensic identification and evaluation bodies and forensic evaluators had weakened the system of unified administration of forensic identification and evaluation established by a decision adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 2005.In view of this fact,the CPC decided at its Fourth Plenary Session of Eighteenth Central Committee to "improve the unified system of administration of forensic identification and evaluation".To achieve this goal,the state should first realize the unification of the forensic identification and evaluation system at the normative and technical level,and then strike a reasonable balance between the unified administration and the competence of various government organs at the level of concrete operation,while at the same time give full play to the auxiliary administrative functions of industrial associations of forensic identification and evaluation.
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