Rule-of-law Approaches to Local-Level Budgetary Participation
英文关键词:local-level budgetary participation;budgetary democracy;right to budgetary participation;budget law
In the process of exploring the construction of the rule of law at the local level, China has developed three approaches to budgetary participation:participation in budgetary decision-making, participation in the execution of budget and participation in the accountability process. Spontaneous institutional innovations at the local level provide helpful experiences and concrete ways of constructing the legal system of budgetary participation and realizing the ideas of budgetary governance and budgetary democracy. However, local-level budgetary participation is faced with external institutional obstacles and internal limitations as well as difficulties in overcoming the inherent path dependence of legal reform and expanding the institutional experience of local-level budgetary participation. The budget law should make targeted top-down adjustments to overcome obstacles to institutional innovation in budgetary participation, establish a unified basis of the right to budgetary participation, and bring the participation in budgetary accountability process onto the track of the rule of law. China should explore in a deep-going way the institutional resources of local-level budgetary participation and comprehensively examine their values and limitations, so as to rediscover the driving forces behind and explore the possible approaches to the reform of system of budgetary participation.
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