Nature of Legal Relations in the Lease and Sale of Subsidized Housing
英文关键词:subsidized housing;welfare administration;the two-stage theory;administrative contract
In the area of welfare administration, when administrative departments entrust a third private party to undertake the welfare administrative task, there arises the question of whether the legal relationship between the private party and the beneficiary is of private or public nature. The leasing and transaction of subsidized housing in China is a kind of welfare administration by private third party that provides a great deal of study materials for researching the nature of legal relationship between private developers and lessees or property owners. When the leasing or property transaction of subsidized housing is considered as a civil contract, it can achieve the public law purpose to a certain extent, but there are also limitations. The private property function of the public-owned housing and the private owned character of the economic and comfortable housing are the important causes of these limitations. China should establish through legislation and judicial interpretation the legal relationships of leasing and transaction of subsidized housing at the stages of administrative action and contract (or administrative contract), so as to effectively eliminate the improper use of subsidized housing and to protect the beneficiaries and other potential beneficiaries of subsidized housing.
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