Empirical Research on Judicial Reconstruction of Rules of Selfdefense
英文关键词:selfdefense, judicial reconstruction of legal rules, empirical research
According to the regression model and “thick conversation” data, circumstances that are closely related to the proportionality and necessity of defense, such as “comparison of numbers”, “invasive tools”, and “counterattack measures”, have no significant impact on the establishment of selfdefense in judicial operation, whereas circumstances that have no necessary connection with legal requirements of selfdefense, such as “not escaping from a violation when the situation permits” or “preparing defense tools in advance”, have marked negative impact on the establishment of selfdefense. Besides, key circumstances that decide whether a counterattack is illegal or not, such as “which person strikes the first blow”, have very limited influence on judicial results. In fact, the most significant factors having a tremendous impact on judicial results are “consequences of damage” and “the victim’s forgiveness”. The dislocation between judicial rules and legislative spirits of selfdefense leads to the reconstruction of legal rules that aims at limiting the establishment of selfdefense. The policedriven and prosecutiondominated “traditional politicallegal collaborative casehandling mechanism” provides the motivation and operational space, and the outlooks on defense and crime of “members of political and legal community” provide underlying logic, for such reconstruction. As a “substantive law of life”, selfdefense rules depend on complex and diverse interactions and mutual constructions among legislators, the judiciary and a variety of other social subjects. To solve the dilemma of selfdefense rules, China should not only construct the doctrinarism of criminal law, but also adopt such seemingly circuitous approaches as the “decentralized view on the interaction and mutual construction among diverse subjects”, advancing the reform of the trialcentered litigation system and realizing judicial transparency, so as to effectively implement the legislative spirit in real life.
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