Approaches to Constructing a General Clause on Determination of Industrial Injuries
英文关键词:identification of industrial injuries, general clause, workrelevance, the “48hour clause”
Taking the close relationship between injuries and work as guidance, Article 14 of the Regulations on WorkRelated Injury Insurance define the scope and standard of workrelated injuries through six paragraphs of typed enumerations, supplemented by one paragraph of miscellaneous provision, namely “other circumstances provided for in laws and administrative regulations under which workrelated injuries shall be ascertained”, thereby forming a typical structure of “enumeration + miscellaneous provision”. But unfortunately, this miscellaneous provision is useless in practice, as there is no relevant provision in other laws or administrative regulations to be invoked. As a result, Article 14 has become an article of strict enumeration, which is often faced with the dilemma of becoming either too wide or too narrow in its scope due to latent legal loopholes. To remedy this situation, a general clause with enough inclusiveness and flexibility is needed. This general clause should still take the workrelevance doctrine as its core and adopt one of the following two legislative modes: the highly abstract “big general clause mode”, which replaces the current miscellaneous provision with “other workrelated injuries and diseases”, thereby remedying the loopholes and integrating existing legal resources at the same time; and the “small general clause mode”, which establishes the key elements of workrelated injuries and illnesses through the dynamical interpretation of Article 14 Paragraph 1 of the Regulations. Although the later has some shortcomings in terms the clarity of basic evaluation, comprehensiveness of the coverage and abstractness, it is still suitable for shortterm use. In the concrete application of either of the above two modes of general cause, it is necessary to take into overall consideration of all workrelated elements, and make decision on the basis of their interactions and overall balance.
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