Role Evolution from Expert Assistant to Expert Witness in Criminal Cases in China
单位:1. 中国政法大学证据科学教育部重点实验室、司法文明协同创新中心;2. 中国政法大学证据科学研究院
英文关键词:forensic examiner; expert assistant; expert witness; scientific evidence
In the context of Chinese criminal procedure, the role of an expert assistant is multifaceted, somewhat similar to a lawyer, and somewhat similar to a witness. Views on the nature of an expert assistant also range from "a cross-examination method", "forensic expertise" to "witness testimony". This confusion regarding the role of an expert assistant has not only resulted in the unique "dual-track system" of forensic examination and expert assistant, but also led to difficulties in deciding the reliability of an expert assistant's opinions in trial. Recent regulations on expert assistant issued by the Supreme People's Court have shown a trend of evolution of the role of expert assistant towards that of expert witness. The core requirements of this evolution include, firstly, achieving the equal litigation status of forensic examiner and expert assistant and the equal testimonial status of their opinions in the sense of expert testimony; secondly, giving the duty of cross-examination, which has been unreasonably imposed on expert assistants, back to lawyers and prosecutors; and thirdly, improving the ability of lawyers and prosecutors to cross-examine scientific-evidences and giving full play to the judge's role as the "gatekeeping" of scientific evidence, so as to help lawyers and prosecutors to adapt themselves to the needs of "scientization of fact-finding".
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