


The Company Law Approach to Interpret the Voidness of Resolution Made by Shareholders' Conference

    单位:中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心, 法学院
    英文关键词:voidness of resolution; shareholders' conference; corporate stability; corporate democracy; judging criterion
    The voidness of resolutions made by shareholders' conference is a special phenomenon in the company law, on which detailed rules need to be made by legislation. However, the current rules in both the Company Law and the Judicial Interpretation IV of Company Law are quite simple, causing many theoretical and practical divergences on the criterion for determining void resolutions made by the shareholders' conference, whose mode has shifted from the common law mode to the civil law one in China. The former is represented by Article 111 of the 1993 Company Law, which focused on controlling the implementation of resolutions, whereas the latter is represented by Article 22 of the 2018 Company Law, which focuses on controlling the formation of resolutions. The interpretation on the rules of the voidness of resolution made by the shareholders' conference should not follow the path of conceptualist jurisprudence analysis by copying juristic act analysis or tort law analysis, but should return to the path of company law analysis. Specifically, such analysis should consider the stability of company relationships, the procedure of the formation of the resolution, and the timeliness of the control of validity, so as to achieve the double objectives of maintaining the stability of company relationships and eliminating the illegality of the resolution. When determining the illegality and voidness of a resolution, the starting point should be the essence of the voidness of resolution, while emphasis should be put on the interaction between rules on void resolutions and rules on voidable resolutions. Therefore, the general statutory grounds of the voidness of resolution should be violation of the essence of company, violation of company democratic participation rules, or violation of mandatory rules or the public order and good morals.
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