Types of Official Seal Defenses and Corresponding Processing
英文关键词:official seal; official seal defense; appearance of right; apparent agency; apparent representation
The significance of an official seal is to connect a specific declaration of will to a specific subject. It is an important method of identification of written juristic act. In a case of unauthorized use of a genuine official seal or the fraudulent use of a fake official seal in economic activities, the nominal person of an official seal may raise a defense against the authenticity or the effect of the use of an official seal. In practice, however, there are misunderstandings of the effect of an official seal and one of the important reasons for these misunderstandings is the lack of a set of systematic and effective rules to process the official seal defenses. The official seal defenses include defenses against the authenticity of official seals and defenses against the effect of using official seals. The latter can be further divided into defenses against the effect of using genuine official seals and defenses against the effect of using fake official seals. Different types of official seal defenses have different rules and key points to be processed in terms of the defense ground and the burden of proof. In the processing and determination of official seal defenses in practice, a judge should effectively grasp the basic rules and special circumstances of different types of official seal defenses, and appropriately identify and employ the mutual confirmation relationship between the effect of official seals and apparent agency or apparent representation.
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