Subsequent Extinction of Property, Contradictory Act and Validity of Will
英文关键词:contradictory act; specific property; revocation of will
Testamentary dispositions create statutory debts between transferee by operation of law and heir by will or devisee. According to the differences among objects, these dispositions may be divided into three categories:general disposition, generic disposition and specific disposition. Only in specific disposition does the impossibility of performance occur if its subject-matter has ceased to exist as a part of the testator's property at his death. As for the effect of the impossibility of performance, it is not necessary to make a special provision of invalidity different from the exclusion of the duty of performance in the law of obligation. There are two types of extinction:one caused by the act of the testator and the other by other legal facts. In the former case, it is absolutely essential to firstly determine whether the contradictory norm applies, and then deliberate on whether to exclude the duty of performance. In the latter case, the established norms of subrogation in rem cannot be applied by analogy. Interpretation of will is the only way to mitigate the stringent effects of exclusion. The norm of the contradictory act is a rebuttable presumption in nature. Whether there is a high degree of probability between the act and the intention of revocation constitutes the criterion for the judgment in specific situations, even in complex occasions such as agency and void of juristic acts. The contradictory act should not be limited to juristic acts against specific property, but cover other juristic acts such as divorce and termination of adoption. Besides, quasi-juristic acts, factual behavior and acts under other branch laws may also be incorporated into contradictory acts through judge-made law.
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