Governance Effectiveness andInstitutional Logic of Intellectual Property Courtsin China
英文关键词:intellectual property court; judicial reform; efficiency and quality of adjudication; technical investigator; separation of simple cases from complicated cases
An analysis of innovation and R&D data of listed companies from 2011 to 2020 using the difference-in-difference estimation method shows that the intellectual property courts established in China at the end of 2014 have achieved positive governance effectiveness. Intellectual property courts can play a prominent role in promoting corporate innovation by improving the efficiency of dispute resolution and enhancing normative output through adjudication. A retrospective look at the creation, establishment and development of intellectual property courts reveals that the legitimacy pressures they face as newly created organizations and their behavioral logic of upward response and horizontal competition have together driven their efforts to improve the efficiency and quality of adjudication in the past practice, thereby providing a concrete example of improving the effectiveness of judicial governance and accumulating valuable experience for the subsequent construction of specialized courts and the promotion of judicial reform. Intellectual property courts still face challenges in their future development, including irregular shift in focus due to the interaction and coupling of different behavioral logic and resource pressure in a competitive environment that may trigger their re-embedding in the conventional system, which should be dealt with by further judicial reform through the adoption of prudent measures.
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