On the Obligation of a Defender to Rescue
英文关键词:right to self-defense; justifiable self-defense; prior conduct; crime of failure to save life in danger
When the act of defense satisfies the requirement of necessity, but the aggressor’s death or serious injury results from the defender not carrying out rescue, the defender is not considered as having committed a crime. The principle of balancing legal interests is fundamentally in conflict with the connotation of the concept of the right to defense, which is in essence a citizen’s legitimate right. The aggressor’s obligation to tolerate the necessary act of defense is the concrete expression of the basic principle of criminal law that “self-determination leads to self-responsibility” in the case of a violation of the obligation of “not harming others”, and the aggressor should bear the significant damage risk accompanying the necessary act of defense. Such a distribution of the risk of consequences is consistent with the principle of allocation of responsibility for the equal protection of citizens’ rights in the legal order. In the system of omission, the defender is not under a duty of care toward the aggressor’s life. According to the principle of self-defense, the necessary act of defense and its results ultimately fall within the responsibility of the aggressor and, accordingly, the defender is exempted from responsibility. Chinese Criminal Law does not have the same provision as paragraph 323c of the German Criminal Code for failing to save a person in danger, so a defender does not have the obligation to render assistance where the life of the aggressor is in danger.
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