The Hierarchical Rule for Judging Excessive Defense
英文关键词:justifiable defense; excessive defense; necessary limits; criminal punishability
In the determination of excessive defense, both the unitary theory and the dichotomous theory exhibit certain unreasonableness, necessitating the establishment of a hierarchical rule for judging excessive defense. Specifically, it can be divided into two strata for the judgment. The first stratum involves the assessment of the “quality” of excessive defense, which pertains to the necessary limits of the defensive acts undertaken. The necessity theory is employed to determine whether the defensive acts are necessary, taking into consideration factors such as effectiveness and the minimum intensity. The second stratum involves the evaluation of the “quantity” of excessive defense, which concerns criminal punishability. On the basis of distinguishing between non-punishable excessive defense and punishable excessive defense, a judgment is made on the punishability of the act of defense that exceeds the necessary limit. Criminal punishment can be imposed only when criminal punishability exists. Meanwhile, in terms of methodology, the determination of punishability should be established as a holistic judgment. On the one hand, “obviousness” and “significant harm” are unified in the notion of criminal punishability. On the other hand, factual elements indicating “obviousness” and “significant harm” can complement and support each other.
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